
Showing posts from May, 2018


We cannot say goodbye to those whom we have grown to Love for the memories we have made will last a Lifetime, and will never know a Good bye. shweta : Blessed with the melody of calmness, and an amazing person at heart.  ‌ abhishek: It's always so joyous to have him around. (Jitna gali do iss ko kama hai ) Akansha: Have you ever come across someone whose mere smile has been enough to brighten your day, for us, it's her. Ankita: Her distinctive yet beautiful style enamoured us all. She could be wonderfully intellectual and so cheerful at the same time. If you presume any standard of cuteness, just raise that bar a little higher only to get decimated by her endearing personality. "Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.” So, It is the time to bid farewell. Now as we see you leaving college one by one, the reality of it is finally sinking in. But honestly, that sadness is belittled by the genuine

Just friends

                                            Just   friend Ryan and Nina were friends from the time they could remember. They had grown up together, gone to the same school and college, shared the same bunch of friends. You could say that they were so much around each other that their friendship was often mistaken for love, even by some of their close friends. And so, when Nina decided to get hitched to Rakesh, everyone was surprised by Ryan's unmasked joy in seeing his best friend enter the next phase of her life. He was the one who was around Nina's home all the time overseeing her wedding preparations. It was Ryan whom her parents' relayed on to greet the groom on the morning of the big day. He was the one who was at the forefront making sure that the day went just like how Nina had always envisioned it. It was Ryan who wiped off the tears from her eyes that escaped nevertheless when it was time for her to leave. As much as he missed her in the coming days, Ryan

I don't fit anywhere !!

Just another day ! just another thought !  Oh , i don't  fit in anywhere ! Neither do the exclamation marks marks in most of my sentence!! In a world full of people trying to make  a living , i am still not sure  what make me  fell alive !!!! In a road full of people rushing off to work ,  i am still not sure where  i want to rush to !!!! In a life full of events i am still not sure how to happy i am !! Nothing really make sense ,  i am real misfit in a world  that  claims to be sorted !!! And  i wonder how the world claims to have been so easily sorted when i still don't have words to express how  unsorted i am!!!!  Oh , i really think  I don't  fit anywhere !!!!!!