you + me ≠ us

                                     You + me ≠ us

So it’s one of those days, you see, it starts with this coffee that you made me, maybe it was too hot, maybe just not enough, either way I flip out for one of the gazillion insignificant reasons I just can’t wrap my head around, or was it the other way round. Hush! I have never been good with memories. Nonetheless we get into a heated argument, an argument that has nothing to do with the coffee or the sugar or you or me but everything to do with how we can’t stand each other anymore but are too timid to do anything about it. You might be right but I sure don’t sound wrong myself. So we do what we do best, we argue; you argue like there’s no tomorrow while I do so, knowing there has never been one to begin with, not for us anyway. For its that time of the year again, the stars have all but aligned themselves forming a constellation I never bothered cramming the name of. I wave for you to see it, a reminder of how the sun has already set past on this world and everything that we loved in it, including us! 

I want to tell you, how it was always a foregone conclusion, of how It had already set long before we even cared to acknowledge its absence and how it’s just the light waves of the past, still keeping the illusion alive and how this tiny insignificant phenomenon of refraction explains the story of us better than i ever could! 
I want to tell you all that but i won’t, for in this infinite universe with all it’s infinite dimensions, I am sure to have fallen for this trap before. So this time i choose not to!
For you see, we are the creatures of the dark, us nocturnal beings. It’s not the light we are after, we sneak and hunt each other with the world still fast asleep while we lay there, too restless to sleep; too tired to get up. We try biding time, preying on each-other’s insecurities, clutching and pulling like wild animals till one of us ends up taming the other. But if this multiverse really exists, and i am of the opinion that it does, then this right here, is the only constant- In all those alternate timelines of all those parallel universes, I’d still be the guy you run your knife over by the day and lay bare your deepest insecurities while during the night, and you’d still be the girl I fell for long before I even knew you existed. 
We keep on burning parts of us until there’s nothing left to burn. So tell me if that’s love or are we doing it wrong! For maybe this love is too toxic and will likely be the death of us but time’s a flat circle, whatever’s happening has already happened, at some point in this space-time continuum.
So let’s not question the futility of it all, not again!
Its a shame we won’t live but then again who does
So take a long breath, heave a huge sigh, feel your live pulses for it may be the very last of it. For too long now have we lived in chaos, its about time we find some serenity. 
You see, Death, its peaceful; dying not so much!


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