
Showing posts from July, 2018


7. Days since i last thought about you . 6.shots i did last night  Because .....nothing  i am running  out of reason  why . 5. Time i tried to call you  4.letters to the words we've grown together . 3.time u hang up on me  2.hours since we last broken up (i'didn't) 1. Second till i split myself open . O. Tell me its not too late . Not yet  , plzzzzzz

Past one month

           PAST ONE  MONTH  I  fell in love 18 time last month  19 , if you count that one cab ride back home when it was raining more than usual . That one girl without an  umbrella  wearing specs that didin’t fit her  Wet hairs and wetter lips  And it’s Funny how I’ m still convinced  How when I winked at her ,  She winked back ,  Funny because  I never winked at her ,  Did she wink back though? Or That one time while  running late for a class you shouldn’t be running late for ,  only  to enter the wrong room at the right time.   If ever stolen  glance there were  a thing , I could’ve  sworn I was lready on my way to robbing memory banks  With her flipped one side , and book on other I guess I was tired  of falling  for faces by then   I fell  for her laughter  instead  Her silhouette  still  smile at me .  Or that girl  from internet  The one who get  all your  movie references and then more some   The  monica to your   ted   For even  friends  need to know  how you  met the  one  O

Stay for me !

Time's running out  My feel fly over the ground In the rain, over muddy puddles My skirt stained with dirt  Yet I'm hasty  I can't afford to lose you I need to tell you  Before you go  Just how much you mean to me  Oh, why did I wait so long Is it because the thought  Of losing you was suddenly unbearable? Or was it because you were never mine  To begin with? Don't leave me all alone here With just your memories for company Bridge this distance between us Take me away to another world I'm almost there Stay, stay for me...

Kaisa hai ?????

How are you? Your voice  ping  on my mobile speaker . How am I? That has been a question that I have been asking myself of late. Couple of months back, you wouldn't have felt the need to ask me that, you would know how I was just by looking into my eyes. You would have been by my side and not on the other side of my screen. After all, we are were best friends. You know of all the times Hagrid made me cry, you grumbled when you had to tag along with me on my book shopping sprees. I was the first one who  dissected your favorite movies . 'Blue is the warmest color' kept us awake talking about relationships and love for hours.  Chocolate was your FAVORITE,  butterscotch was mine. You always knew how rainy days made me write bad, sappy poems. But life as we know it, changes. You going  to get  married soon, moved on ,  start a new life while I stayed behind. Our friendship was uncomplicated, untainted by love.  The day you left, you took a part of me with you. Inside my chest i