what if

If only I could create a universe different than this. A universe on some other speck of dust. A universe without these trees, without these cars, without these streets, without these scars. 
Without these people and their rules. Where the moon wouldn't follow us around, where nobody would.
A universe where we wouldn't need to hide our emotions from each other. Don't lie to me again. I know you lied when you said you were happy without me. I saw your throat get thick as you held back your feelings.
If only I could find a speck of dust capable to sustain the two of us. If only I could see that speck of dust and spin it around in the palm of my hand. Like the inception of a new idea in your mind. 
I would nurture the idea and we would build our fort together. Nothing would make sense and so nothing would need to.
I can think of all these possibilities about it ending great or ending horribly or not ending at all but I can't think of a single possibility devoid of you. 
You're here, always and I look at you every time I'm afraid of the future or myself or even you. I can't seem to look away. 
Right now, I am left with only the dark in this room and the keyboard to type on. Should I write? What am I supposed to do now, without the speck of dust?
Can I find it and does it even exist? How do I pick all these feelings up and where do I go with them? Is there a place to go when you have endless amount of heart and no patience to wait for love?


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