How do i end this

It is always easier to break something down, than to put it back together. It's the mending that takes effort.

So it's easier, you see, for me to keep breaking my sentences into smaller ones.

With little breaks, punctuated by commas and periods.

It's easier this way to break it down into pointers, than to have myself confused with lengthy paragraphs.

I don't do well with consistency. I often lose my train of thought, the rails slip, and my sentences fall over.

Hollow, devoid of any real meaning.
I could act smug, and tell you, how it's open to interpretation, maybe if I do it well, I might even be able to hide it. The lingering emptiness behind the false facadé, that is the english language.

Notice how my paragraphs are getting longer, it's no longer fitting for me to continue. I might just lose it any minute now. My fleeting chain of thought, but I said train, words, you see. They are so damn replaceable.

All my works are incomplete. I have never known how to. Endings don't write themselves, and for the longest time, I haven't been able to either.

You remember how I told you, that it's easier to break something down to pieces. It is no trick, even a child can do that. It's putting it back together again, that requires everything.
That is everything.

I can't put it back together.
I am incapable.

These are just scattered thoughts. There is no cohesive glue. There never was. This shall remain so.

How do I end this?
I can't.
Would it be alright if I don't?
I can't seem to end it.


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