Carbon and bad timing

 As far as letter go , this one should be short . I am writing to you , and it's Feburary , which means that I have so much more to say than what these word shall allow me. Look at me shivering , and know that it isn't the winter wind . I wise for you , and summer rain and mini Bombay Bandstand , and kesar ki chai , and but all of this is so needlessly cliched , so hopelessly pretentious , I wise I were this guy , and I'm so grateful that I'm not . How does my awareness do anything but feed into my own self righteousness . Oh god , not this again, let this be love , let this be about you .

But I want to be able to say that I love you without feeling the need to make it sound any more grandiose , because ultimately it's just that , we love like so many before us did , like so many after us would . We wise to pretend how we are changing the world by being the people that we are to each other - and maybe we are , I don't know - one person at a time , but I have to belive that the universe is bigger than us two , that should we fuck up , we are going to fuck up , darling , it would go on existing ,just like it has for 13 fucking   billion year now , or so they say , for we know the universe is only as old as we wise it to be , and mine was born 18 may ago . The thing though is , I want to be realistic poet , and that's laughable as I am not even  sure if I'm any kind of poet , ultimately these are just words with poor correlation between them , ultimately we are just " carbon and bad timing ". .....


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