Perfection is a myth
Can we be cruel to ourselves while we think what we are doing is what’s best for
How often do we pause for a while during our urge to attain perfection in
everything we do every breathing minute Of our busy breezy lives , How often do we
place our hands on our hearts And acknowledge that the pace with which it beats
Is far beyond normalcy , We don’t, do we?
Until it’s too late , Until it’s time to
hit that Rear brake in the last minute slashing ourselves into that state of
panic Feeling that ceaseless shiver in our souls
When every sense awakens And
every breathing bone screams at us In enmity with the necessity Of having to hit
and hurt ourselves
Because we didn’t slow down when we had to , Because all along
we didn’t pay heed to the honks Of the people trying to forewarn us
Later to be
left with bruises ,That our bodies have to carry As consequences of our own
Cause we, as humans were taught that we are ought to attain
perfection in everything we do Constantly pushing and punishing ourselves, To
live that picture this world painted for us Like I for one have been lately
putting my body through pain because I thought it was far From being perfect
until it cemented me to bed Teaching me that we have to slow down at times for
our bodies minds to not shut down And restart it all from where we once began.
A recent reminder " Perfection is a myth "
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