
Showing posts from April, 2018

It's not about motivation or inspiration

Motivation and inspiration were never my thing. Inspiration is like that hot cup of tea that refreshes and energises you the moment you take the first sip and the spark is lost as it gets cold, and you either gulp it down for the sake of finishing it up or just leave the half cup unfinished. Motivation is like that one night stand that excites you, pushes you, and drives you and then the next morning it walks away unnoticed. The only thing I depend on is discipline. It is discipline that teaches you to be alive even when motivation and inspiration are not around. It is discipline that can make you take that one extra step daily even without motivation and inspiration by your side.

you + me ≠ us

                                     Y ou + me ≠ us So it’s one of those days, you see, it starts with this coffee that you made me, maybe it was too hot, maybe just not enough, either way I flip out for one of the gazillion insignificant reasons I just can’t wrap my head around, or was it the other way round. Hush! I have never been good with memories. Nonetheless we get into a heated argument, an argument that has nothing to do with the coffee or the sugar or you or me but everything to do with how we can’t stand each other anymore but are too timid to do anything about it. You might be right but I sure don’t sound wrong myself. So we do what we do best, we argue; you argue like there’s no tomorrow while I do so, knowing there has never been one to begin with, not for us anyway. For its that time of the year again, the stars have all but aligned themselves forming a constellation I never bothered cramming the name of. I wave for you to see it, a reminder of how the sun has alre

Be you !!!!!

My dear you make me proud when you look up into their eyes and say you are doing good, while your eyes speak a contradictory tale. You are an ocean of endless thoughts, emotions and dreams. You hold a universe within you. I know the suffocation and pain you go through. The wild wolf inside you struggles every moment, even in captivity beneath your skin your eyes speak of the wolf’s longing to get free, to run wild. The tempest in your mind rages every second, the volcano that keeps growing within you ready to erupt any moment; yet you try to chain it back till it oozes out in form of hot tears from your eyes and you look high up to the skies. The tears flow down your cheeks while the stars twinkle brightly up above in the sky. The wolf within you roars. A star can shine as brightly as it wishes to, can you or I put a limit to its brightness? Does the sun feel sorry for shining so bright? Then why do you limit yourself? You are nothing less than a are infinite... Does the ra

I don't miss you any more ...But !!!!!!!

I don't miss you any more . I dont't think about you anymore . i dont't think I love you anymore. But sometime i do look back to the time when i was standing there , just falling for you. And you had no clue that i was falling . I wonder if you love  someone the way I loved you .Our hearts never met , our paths crossed but we weren't destined to walk together . I walked away from you.  But i wise it didn't make my heart sink when I think of you walking  with someone else...... Sometime I wise didn't feel the way ,  I do at time when someone mention your name.  I don't feel for you anymore yet sometime I feel something , something weird , may be  I feel sad . I dont't  know why but perhaps a part of me ,  maybe a small part of me wishes things were different.

You and Me

You had your orange juice and  i had my green tea. we were comfortable with silence between us.  your orange juice  tasted the same even after an hour .  I looked at my tea cup ,  the tea bag had sunk in  and the water had started changaing colour. the longer  i waited , the worse it tasted.  Maybe that is reason why we are no more us but you and I. YOU  &  ME

What 's hurt you more?????

The other day  I had my hand put under hot water  And it look me 5 second to even realize it was  hot , Another 10 second feel that burn ,  And yet another some to finally get it out. So when you ask me Why do  i still hold onto it?? To her . I guess maybe  its's because i like the pain Or maybe i have went on confusing love with hurt for so long now  i do not even know which one's which anymore .  You know   You keep your  ha nds under long enough  And you start getting used to the scars  And its's only after you have got it out  That you realize  Your inside had been burning this whole time. So does it ever hurt now ????? Or  have you grow so used to it  You just don't feel anything anymore.

When you love someone

what if you meet some one , what if you love someone  what if you love someone  .  what if you totally  consumed by it the drive , the passion , the restlessness , what   if its leads you insane . What if you end up falling  prey to it . What if you are always  meant to . What then!! But .... What if its all a cruel ploy . What if the clock goes by one complete  cycle,  what if love began for second chance what if the life give you one .. What then...

Do you see it !

Do you see it !! Us sitting up close , your hand on mine . Do you hear it . The sound of your laughter The one that got lost on the way. Do you remember  it even??? How its feels like!! To stand accused for creating  a Ruckus you didn't  means to create Do you smell it ?? The stench of broken promise . And guilt that was never yours keep . Do you feel it?? The ache of knowing  What could have been Only it didn't  There is nothing  poetic about it. It's just u and me . And the inevitability of "US" I Repeat it's  usssssss..... It's  just u and me.... That was never meant to be So  tell me now !!! Do you still remember the sound  of yours  own laughter.......!!!

Little Lonely

I Looked up at the velvety Blackness of sky And  I see Stars adoring night dress so Bright even diamonds  may feel Shy and then , I See one That breaks free and shoots to I know not where OH  Little star !!!!!! Will you take my wish to her Who is  so far..... Tell her.... That I am just Little lonely here ...