
Showing posts from January, 2019

hidden post

I keep you at a distance, Guarding myself from Love. It's a known enemy And has been destructing me. I fear, it might confront me again When I'm speaking to you. So I keep you at an estimated distance But oh this, Love It travels all the way from your end Gently knocks at my door And I open it, knowing that I'll be defeated once more And I shall succumb to my injuries such that Walking away will be the only choice left So I keep you at the utmost distance Thinking that Love will take a little more time to come to me But oh, the Venus' pigeons, They fly ten times faster to seal the newly made bonds! And so it comes to me and takes me amidst the clouds, Drops me down from unknown heights eventually and flies It flies to a known destination, The place I dread.

Do you sit in dark

Do you also sit in the dark and think about us when we will we have life together? Do you still have the same hands that held your heavy thoughts with such a gentle hold? Do you still look at the world with the eyes of a naive kid with a Play Station in his hand?  I wonder what happens when you stop refusing the approaches of the Sun through its rays. What would happen if we stop listening to the music of the ocean when it sleeps at night? How would the world turn? I wonder about how it would affect the soft tussled hair of yours if you stop looking at the woven designs of the moon’s craters. Zero gravity couldn’t be enough for your thoughts to lift off my mind. If we stopped imagining the end and started thinking of the beautiful horizon, we’d be so much happier. Would you see me in the light of Sun or the twilight?  What would happen if all the people made their plans for eternity and they went exactly like that? There’d be no point in that. No point in living in imaginations and yo

For a friend...

its  3 am and my mind is wandering my soul is restless and my heart is beating fast .... the reason is not that i am sure of . today , i came across a verse while going through an article which goes like this.. " love is patient  , love is kind it does not envy , it does not boast , it is not proud it does not dishonour other  , it is not self seeking , it is not easily angered , it keeps no record of wrongs .love does not delight  in evil but rejoices with the truth . it always protect  , always  trust , always hope , always preseveres "  .....lines by corinthians. this verse  touched me from within and took me some year back of my so called non happening live . i am 22 and have come a small way of living a life of loner . don't be mistaken when i call myself a loner , i have few friends , handful of loyal one ...ones which any person needs to rely  on any point of their life but still i felt like loner . i was somewhere lost amidst the crowd , happily surroun


Hold my hand and walk with me .  not because you should but because  i want you to.... i want  to know what make you cry and  what make you smile at the end of the day .... i want to hear the tales of your heart break and moments of joy....  wait back and lets watch the sunrise together... i  have to tell you about the night i stayed awake in fear .... i have to tell you about the time my mother found me weeping and  i couldn't  her the reason .... because they tell me you need to know this ... you need to know how happy and scared i am.. that this may be a dream and it would fade away as i open my eyes  stay for little more time  not because you should but because i want you to because all i want to see is the morning sun kiss our face . to tell us that we are not afraid of ourselves anymore. so just hold my hand  and walk with me. for i am scared to walk alone

what if

If only I could create a universe different than this. A universe on some other speck of dust. A universe without these trees, without these cars, without these streets, without these scars.  Without these people and their rules. Where the moon wouldn't follow us around, where nobody would. A universe where we wouldn't need to hide our emotions from each other. Don't lie to me again. I know you lied when you said you were happy without me. I saw your throat get thick as you held back your feelings. If only I could find a speck of dust capable to sustain the two of us. If only I could see that speck of dust and spin it around in the palm of my hand. Like the inception of a new idea in your mind.  I would nurture the idea and we would build our fort together. Nothing would make sense and so nothing would need to. I can think of all these possibilities about it ending great or ending horribly or not ending at all but I can't think of a single possibility devoid of yo


you give me reasons to walk away and I stay anyway. I stand in the middle of the aisle that leads to the exit so you can’t leave either. But you did. . Maybe I was desperate for something. I was asking for something that could make me feel all sorts of things. Things that made me stronger and weaker at the same time but also invincible. . You brought these things to me in packages that I could hold in just one hand while holding yours with the other. . I was invincible but not alone and I didn’t want that. I refused to let myself believe that I couldn’t live without someone. I found out later that my refusal does not affect the reality. . How do you know when you’re in love? Is it by the click of a switch in your head? Or is it a certain smile that makes you smile too? Maybe the diligent but futile effort to keep them out of your mind. .  How do you know that what you’re doing for someone isn’t out of human courtesies but something deeper than all courtesies combined? . I didn’t have

when i dream

when i dream  i see myself waking up next to you  someday i wise it wasn't a dream  when i dream  about you whispering sweet nothings in my ear  i wise i tell you i can't  hear them  but maybe i was never meant to what good are the words once spoken ,  what good are they once heard . what i dream about us  i don't dream about the night skies and the stars  a gazillion of them  instead i dream for a blanket enough for the both of us  and a bed which isn't  i don't dream about the missing puzzle  piece nor a bewildered fantasy land  in my dream cinderella doesn't need the  glass slippers to validate her  and the sleeping beauty wake up just fine on her own  in my dream about you , you are the beauty and the beast within , it starts and ends with you  like it always did  when i say , i dream  its  not a dream per say ,  for i'm yet to sleep delilah , it isn't dream untill you do , and i can't just yet , i'm waiting for